Friday, February 13, 2009

Ready, Aim….Study!


Tomorrow morning, bright and early, we have our first academic test. (I’m debating whether or not to blog about my own, actual results when they come in. Maybe I’ll just build a bit of suspense.)

So, obviously, a good deal of this academy is academic. I knew this before I began. What has been surprising to me, however, has been the sheer VOLUME of material presented, and how intense the class sessions can be. Now, to be honest, none of it is organic chemistry or advanced differential equations, but there is a TON of it. Classes are typically taught in 4 hour blocks. Both the instructors (and my fellow students) show remarkable stamina throughout.

What has also struck me has been the unarguable quality and experience level of each and every one of our class instructors. Chief deputy district attorneys. Doctors of psychology. Sheriff’s deputies with decades of experience. And even the Undersheriff himself.

Undersheriff Fleer teaches a class on Ethics and Anti-Biased Policing

Nothing is more motivating than a teacher who knows what he or she is talking about; one who cares deeply about the subject matter being taught. Without exception, my classroom experiences these past two weeks have centered on this theme.

And speaking of motivation…

My nose will officially be in my statutes book (for at least a couple of hours) just as soon as I finish up this entry. Wish me luck?